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Last days of PARABOLE

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The PARABOLE exhibition is ending on the 18th of August

Opening times are:

Wednesday - Thursday 10 am - 5 pm, free entry

Mittwoch bis Sonntag 10 bis 17 Uhr, Eintritt frei.

DOK Niederösterreich

Stadtmuseum St. Pölten

CURATED by Wolfgang Giegler featuring the following artists:


Sera AHAMEFULE | Drawing, painting

Eva EDER N. Painting, objects

Michael ENDLICHER | Video, media objects

Franziska MADERTHANER | Painting

Jessie PITT | Painting, objects

Josef SCHWAIGER | Artbook, painting

Günther & Loredana SELICHAR | Media Art

Deborah SENGL | Painting, Objects

J.F. SOCHUREK | Objects, Painting

Wolfgang WALKENSTEINER | Painting

Christoff WIESINGER | Media Art

Hans WOERTL | Activism, objects

Harald WOSCHITZ | Photography

P·A·R·A·B·O·L·E - Brennpunkte & Grenzfälle im NÖ Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst in St. Pölten ist eine Ausstellung als Reise an den Grenzen, zu den Grenzen, vielleicht bis zu den Enden der Parabel. – Willkommen an Bord!

P·A·R·A·B·O·L·E - Focal points & border cases in the NÖ Documentation Centre for Modern Art in St. Pölten is an exhibition as a journey at the borders, to the borders, perhaps to the ends of the parable. - Welcome on board!

Here are a few photos from the exhibition:

View my Glacier Series works so far here

Available works here



© 2024 by Jessie Pitt Art. 


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